Updates from Pastor David Andrade, Administrator with the California Listening Team - See our website at www.rosebowlgathering.info

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thank you...

This is a thank you to so many that have served the Listening Team and LIFT California TEAM throughout 2010.

2010 was different, It was a year of victories in the midst of challenge, unexpected battles, as they rose in our midst without warning, storms in the midst of a storm, holding on to the end of a shoe string when all you had was God.

And he pulled you through.


2011 is at the door and this is not a common door, no, not in any way, shape or form.

Yes, it is one of blessings to those laboring in the kingdom. It is one of increase in the things of God.

2011 will be a year of fulfillment of personal destiny and corporate promise.


I want to thank the many of you that continue to send your 11 invite testimonies. AWESOME

Here is the link to Rick Joyner's Sunday Service 2 weeks back on "11-11."

Rick Wright and I were blown away how many websites have gone up concerning 11/11/11 and the Rose Bowl. But they arose out of attendees of meetings where it was apparent the Holy Spirit was doing and saying something, and many prophets have become global messengers in the highways and byways around the world to come to an 11 feast.

Since the 11 testimonies continue to come, I sense, we are getting a greater picture as to what the Holy Spirit is saying to many in the church.

Yesterday, some of us meet with a repesentative of a group coming from Israel. I know some of you think this is a lot of hype, but I have never seen anyting like this. And like me, you will eventually get it because sometimes, we need to hear from many before we get it.


Reading comments, this is what I have observed..

2011 is the year that God individually promises supernatural fulfillment.

To the Apostle, it will be the year of the Apostle.

To the Prophet, it will be the year of the Prophet.

To the prayer warrior, the year of answered prayer.

To the pastor, a tabernacle filled to overflowing with the resident presence of God.

To the 11th hour Kingdom laborer, the sower and reaper rejoicing together bringing in the harvest, all doers of miracles, and receiving the same wages as those that have labored for so many years.

Outpouring will rise in our streets, and salvation to the darkest corners of the earth.

Treasures in the midst of darkness will become some of the greatest anointed preachers to the salvation of God and the Blood of Jesus.

The desperate, hungry for God, will be filled.

To Teachers, and those that want to know Him, your theology will change in 2011 and become closer to His theology.

Still, it will also be a year of storms, and cold, fires, earthquakes and distress, terrorist plots, wars and rumors of wars.

But, what I sense is that many will find that they do not need money to reign. They only need to be possessors of the blessing.

Personally, I sense many of you need to apply now for passports, because you will be called in a moment to go to the place of the fulfillment of your promise somewhere.

So it maybe better to avoid the passport rush, or just let the Holy Spirit translate you there.

Be sure to read Carol Kelley's post on www.RoseBowlGathering.info

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