Updates from Pastor David Andrade, Administrator with the California Listening Team - See our website at www.rosebowlgathering.info

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pre-Prayer Rallies - JOIN US!

Dear Apostles, Prophets, Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,

On behalf of Pastor David Andrade and the coordinating team for 11-11-11 Rose Bowl God Event, we are extending an invitation to everyone who is willing and available on any 11th of each month until the event. We will be having monthly Pre-Prayer rallies in preparation for this God event at different locations as the Lord leads. Please e-mail us the dates that you are available to join us so we can inform the hosting pastors/minister/church.

We have one of these Pre-Prayer rallies scheduled here in Rancho Cucamonga, CA on March 11 and one in Bakersfield on April 11. We are all looking forward to co-laboring with all of you in this great harvest! God bless!

Pastors Puredi and Ruth Hillary
Email: shilohtc @ gmail.com

Grateful Memories

We are thankful for the partnership with Fred and Wilma Berry and The Azusa Street Mission and their Custodial oversite of the Bonnie Brae House.

Below are some helpful links concerrning the 100 year promise by William Seymour and Charles Parham

“In 1906—when racism and lynching was at its highest. The year when 3,000 black men were lynched—it was called ‘red summer’—that God took a one-eyed, black preacher and made him the leader of the Azusa Street revival and he (Seymour) touched black, white, Asian, Hispanics, male, female,” Berry said as he spoke about Bishop Seymour.

“It is said that the color line was washed away in the blood. That was one of the sayings that came out of the revival that the blood (of Jesus) was enough to wash away racism,” Berry added.

He said racism is still here and the church is supposed to deal with it. That’s why the question is constantly asked of all Pentecostal members, “Do you remember the Azusa Street Revival?”

The Azusa Street Revival lasted more than three years and is widely considered to be the catalyst that ignited the worldwide Pentecostal movement. It is reported that more than 600 million living in the United States, Latin America, Africa and Asia can trace their religious origins to the Azusa Street Revival and Bishop Seymour.




