Updates from Pastor David Andrade, Administrator with the California Listening Team - See our website at www.rosebowlgathering.info

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Summary of the 3-11 Prayer Rally - "Divine Order"


Everything that God revealed to us beforehand took place. Pastor Ruth asked for a Jewish Rabbi to do the communion, and God provided one. She also asked for the coming together of different worshippers that lead and/or play various instruments. God again provided. God also showed her that most people were to wear 11.11.11 t-shirts, and it came to pass.

From the time we got there to begin setting up, everyone was already excited and in anticipation and the atmosphere was already charged up with the presence of God. A joyous celebratory atmosphere was present and undeniable. Love was in the air as everyone hugged and greeted one another. Everyone put on their 11.11.11 t-shirts with gladness.

The Jewish rabbi, who did the communion, prayed in Hebrew, stayed the whole time, enjoyed himself, and was also led by the Holy Spirit in ministering to others. Others also prayed in their native languages (English, Samoan, Navajo, Tagalog, Spanish, Vietnamese, etc.)

God miraculously brought together 5 praise and worship leaders/groups who didn't really know each other in the natural, but were all obedient, answering the call to be there and unite, offering a sacrifice of praise and worship as one to the ONE and ONLY true God. Each had a different style, age group and nationality, yet IN CHRIST, none of this mattered because everyone was in the Spirit that night and we all just flowed as ONE. There were 21 people collectively in HIS PRAISE AND WORSHIP TEAM.

The children, the youth, adults, and elderly all joined in giving their abandoned praise and worship as they danced, jumped, sang, ran, did a Jericho March, used flags, tamborines, and all sorts of instruments to worship the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords.

God's praise and worship team flowed all through the night united as ONE until 2 AM. It was such a beautiful, powerful, heavenly sound. It is undescribable.

In the midst of all of this high and intense worship and praise, salvation, rededication, deliverance and healing took place. The prophetic Word of the Lord also came forth as well as prophetic songs and declarations. IT WAS so AWESOME to see it all taking place at the same time without one man controlling it. All the leaders were being led by the Holy Spirit and everything was in DECENCY and in HIS DIVINE ORDER! There were 21 pastors/leaders/evangelists/rabbi's that God divinely brought together to lead that night. There was much diversity in culture, tradition, race, socio-economic status, educational level, age, etc; yet "with one voice they praised and gave thanks."

(The number 21 is very significant for us at Shiloh Tabernacle because God used a pastor/prophet from San Francisco to proclaim His message to us on January 14, 2011 that we have 21 arrows in our quiver which means that it is already full and the arrows are ready to be shot out in every direction under the direct guidance of the Lord, which will in turn affect the whole world.)

Nobody really wanted to go home, even though the service had been going on for 7 hours. Even the kids and the young people wanted to stay longer. We had to tell them to leave as we had 3 weddings/renewals to do the following day, which was another glorious and powerful God event where several Muslims (family of the bride) got saved.

A freewill love offering was taken for the expenses for the 11.11.11 Rose Bowl. People gave willingly and cheerfully.

Aside from the spiritual fellowship, we also had fellowship afterward with various kinds of food, which we also all enjoyed eating together.

We praise God for ALL THAT HE DID and know that it will only get better as we continue to yield/surrender to His perfect will and UNITE AS ONE IN AND THROUGH HIM.

For those interested in viewing the 3.13.11 Prepare Rally in Rancho Cucamonga, it will be uploaded soon to the website: www.rosebowlgathering.info.

God bless you all.

Your Co-laborers in Christ,

Pastors Puredi and Ruth

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Special Article: Because Someone Was Obedient

A Special Message to the People of Prayer -


By David Andrade (davidandcyndie@aol.com)

I don't claim to know how it all works but I sense that the Holy Spirit is calling many of us to get up in the night to pray and intercede for His Visitation and our loved ones.

There is a manner in which the Holy Spirit comes forth to carry out his purposes and changes the destiny of men and women. And I believe we have entered into that season.

Travail is not always pretty. Because the Holy Spirit prays with groaning that are beyond our own and when He prays through us things change.

Are you being refreshed in the battle or are you being torn by it?

In the early 70s I received the Lord in a prison ministry the day that we moved into a house after a business failure.

My wife was pregnant and we had a couple of new babies. The living room and bed room were full of unopened boxes and we had not set up a bed for that night.

Amidst that, I went to church at the invitation of a friend and received the Lord that night. Still, leaving my wife behind to go to church did not leave a good impression on her at the time.

A few months latter, during a service, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Both, experiences brought dramatic change into my life, but the Baptism brought a presence that made God very real and personal. I know that many that receive the Holy Spirit never experience the gushing river from the belly. I remember at every cry for more the gusher increased from a trickle to a river.

Dressed For War

As much as it was so wonderful to experience such an open heaven of the Holy Spirit, I was shaken by other realities that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit stirred when I went home. Sometimes, we can be unaware of how an event can change our lives and move us into realities that were in our midst all the time, yet unseen because our existence had little effect on them.

Unknown to me or my family was that there was a group of individuals meeting across the street every full moon to practice Santeria. From the day that I received the Baptism, I began to feel the pressure of the neighborhood especially when they met. Even my kids began to experience the discomfort of the thick darkness that would try to force its curtain within the boundaries of our home.

The Need for the Intercession of One-another, The Blood of Jesus and Someone is praying and declaring

As a new Christian, I remember trying to get help with what was happening but. It became obvious that few understood and for a long time I and my family were alone in this.

One night, during one of the assaults, a voice spoke out of the room. The Blood of Jesus. Someone unseen, other than ourselves had taken charge in obedience or command of the Lord. An explosion immediately cleared the air and then as I explained to my kids they learned immediately to do the same.

The Unexpected Clash between the Good and Evil

One night, it was necessary to go outside during one of their meeting nights. One of the men in their group hurried in a rage from the yard across the street and rapped his hand around my neck. I went down in a panic, grasping for air. As I moved from one conscious state to another, I entered into light. I could feel the living being inside the case of my body leaving but it stopped to watch something going on about 3 miles away.

When I first received the Lord, there was a Catholic women whose name was Ann Shaw who had decided that the Lord was going to use me. Well okay, but what did that mean to me? When we moved into the house, I was broke and did not even own a car. I had tried to get help for the situation in the neighborhood. Then I had called a place called Melodyland Christian Center and Pastor Ralph Wilkerson said come down, they would help. Ann so much believed that the Lord had spoken to her, she paid my way to get into bible school, there and would take the bus to work so that I could use her Volkswagen to go

Back in the Body

Well as I was leaving, I saw Ann praying for me in her home, 3 miles away. But she was doing it in a manner I had never seen before. She was wailing and groaning, bowed over gripping her stomach. A few moments latter my spirit settled back into my body. What ever she had done prevailed over my situation to keep me alive...

A few days latter I saw Ann again at the Mission Prayer meeting. When I asked her what had happened, she said, The Lord asked her if she would pray for me. When she said yes, something else took over. It was not her praying.

The Holy Spirit wants to pray through us and lives may depend on it...

I wonder how many times the Holy Spirit has come to me during the night and I responded, just a few minutes and woke latter in the morning never responding. I wonder how many times the Holy Spirit comes to us in the night and someone's life depends on it. And we rather turn over and return to our sleep.

I needed someone to prayer the presence of the Lord into my situation and I have Ann to thank for her obedience.

Because of her obedience I live and travail was imparted in me.

The Defining Factor

I don't claim to know how it all works. I do know that much in God never changes and that the intercession of the Spirit through the Saints will remain with us. I am concerned that we are so focused on the judgment of God, that we need to be reminded that when we come together to exalt and worship Him, he does not answer us with hatred and judgment but love acceptance and the presence of His pleasure. I believe as people of prayer and carriers of His presence and message of mercy and grace to all mankind, we need to get busy when we since the time is near. He has promised us to come with times of refreshing, so let us prepare our hearts for the season.

There are things that will not change

We must all be born again, and if we are going to live a life with power over sin, and witnesses, and live a life of sanctification, we must seek Him for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit because He said so.

Jesus said, He gives this promised gift of the Father to all who ask and will obey Him.

Holy Spirit travailing intercession is only one of His instruments, He wants to do through us to bring forth the Son's of God.

Amidst all the stuff that is going on in the world right now. I wonder how much of it would change if we would just say yes, when He comes and asks us to be His instrument of intercession and let Him do that in whatever manner it looks like even, if it is loud and not pretty.

I believe the Holy Spirit wants us to enter into a season where people come to know the goodness of God. Yes, judgment will come, but for now someone put the pale Horse back into its stall so that the Glory and knowledge of God might be seen and know by all upon the whole earth.

So that people can have an opportunity to truly turn away by their own will, the goodness of God or turn to God.

Please Pray and Agree with me…

Do not pass me by. I will to be an instrument for whatever your purposes. And so will your people in the day of visitation.

With Much Love,

David Andrade

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Releasing the awesome plan of God for California!

Releasing the awesome plan of God for California!

The Apostolic & Prophetic Anointing Flowing Together


Our California mandate and passion!


Write the vision, and make it plain that he may run that readeth it. Hab. 2:2


There is a "fresh fire" on this message! God is moving powerfully!!

You will be encouraged and empowered, and people will be healed in these meetings. God is faithful!

"And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen."(Mark 16:20)

Please note that since the release of the book "God, Gold & Glory!" much of the focus in the California meetings is releasing the awesome plan of God for the state ... and correspondingly fanning the fires of prayer and desperation for God.

However, we will always consider each meeting as a healing and miracle meeting and allow the Holy Ghost to have His way. Indeed, the gifts flow powerfully and many miracles and healings manifest in the services. People are healed frequently in these meetings, and Grace will flow powerfully in the seers/prophetic anointing with personal words ... as God is faithful!

Besides, from 1906 to today "the fire of God" with notable miracles and healings and the spirit of prophecy are California's spiritual heritage!


March 6 (Sun a.m.) Westside Ministries ~ Turlock, Ca.

Releasing the healing ministry of Jesus and the mighty plan of God for California

Contact: Rev. JoLynn DiGrazia

Service time: 11 a.m.

Location: 950 Columbia St.

Web: www.westsideministriesturlock.com

April 13 - 16 (Wed thru Sat) Global School of the Prophets ~ Corona, Ca.
Releasing the healing ministry of Jesus and the mighty

plan of God for California

Contact: Rev. David Andrade

Location: Corona Christian Center ~ 1901 W. Ontario Ave.

Ph: 626-372-4163

Service times & speakers: see web below

Web: http://nav.hispowerportal.com/school-of-the-prophets/index1.php

April 23 (Sat a.m.) Pleasonton/Livermore Aglow ~ Dublin, Ca.

Releasing the healing ministry of Jesus and the mighty plan of God for California

Location: Parkway Fellowship Church ~ 7485 Village Parkway, Dublin (IHOP Int'l)

Service time: 10 a.m.

Contact: Suzanna Martinez 925-462-5840 or Shannon Granado 925-980-0431

Email: martinezarnulfo@sbcglobal.net

May 27 & 28 (Fri & Sat) Gateway to Glory Ministry ~ O'Neill, Neb.

Releasing the healing ministry of Jesus & encouraging the church!

Contact: Pastors Terry & Kerri Clevinger

Location: 209 West Douglas

Service times: p.m. ... ? TBA

Ph: 402-775-2273 or 402-394-1097

Email: glorytrain@nntc.net

June 26 (Sun a.m.) Life Changing Ministries ~ San Bernardino, Ca.

Releasing the healing ministry of Jesus and the mighty

plan of God for California

Contact: Dr. Reginald Woods

Location: 5395 N. "F" St.

Service Times: 8:30 a.m. & 10 a.m.

Ph: 909-822-3277

Web: http://www.lifecm.org/site/HOME/tabid/175/Default.aspx


This short "trailer" of a video of Henry Falany in a studio and TV audience setting will encourage the California church. It is an example of the fresh spirit that Henry and Grace are releasing across the Golden State.

You will see and hear a passion for the California church to rise to the voice of the prophets.

Watch Here


PLEASE CLICK HERE: www.GodGoldandGlory.com

Phone: 209-966-5090

Email: hisword@sierratel.com

See the Falany's bio ... click here!

Contact Information
Mariposa Revival Center
P.O. Box 1269
Mariposa, Ca 95338

Email: hisword@sierratel.com

Phone: 209-966-5090