Updates from Pastor David Andrade, Administrator with the California Listening Team - See our website at www.rosebowlgathering.info

Friday, April 29, 2011


Thank You Listening Team and LIFT and Global Friends for your servant support.

Remember the Listening Team Call Friday May 6th @ 4 PM

Every 3rd Weds at 10;30 am ---

General outline for those that desire to host a regional Prepare Gatherings prior to the 11/11/11.

This announcement is addressed to those that would like to host one or more of the monthly Prepare-prayer regional gathering throughout California, the US and other countries.or desire to be involved directly with the 11-11-11 prayer mobilization. Please forward us your contact information. Your Inputs/suggestions are always appreciated and should be forwarded to the coordinating team to Dr. Sue Rowe @ pryrwatch@sbcglobal.net

Host should agree to utilize the following guidelines:

1. A LINE IN THE SAND prepare gathering/encounter are scheduled to prepare our hearts for what the Holy Spirit intends to do at the 11/11/11 gatherings. Primarily, these gatherings will be held on the 11th of each month. many are being scheduled on alternate dates. We want to be AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME so we will not miss what God is saying and doing. The suggested time would be 7-10 PM on a week day or 1-5 PM on a Saturday. The time, of course, is at the discretion of each area host leader. Many previous gatherings have been met with Holy Spirit visitation especially in the area of travailing intercession.

2. Every minister/leader who desires to be a part of the facilitation/listening team during the Prepare gathering should arrive at least a half hour before the meeting begins so that all have an oppurtonity to seek the Holy Spirit concerning what He desires to do in the meetings.
Some of the Senior and Young Prophets have made themselves available upon request to help facilitate these meetings. Please give sufficient time to schedule these requests. Also if they come, please allow adequate time for them to present what they hear the Holy Spirit saying.. What works best in order is Worship. A time to share the vision of 11/11/11. The offering. The message if there is one. Calling of the prophets to minister together. Calling of the intercessors and impartation of travail.

3. Please provide a Sign-in Sheet or cards at these gatherings to further mobilize and provide updates for the upcoming 11/11/11 gathering. The sign-in should request the name, address, phone number and e-mail. Email addresses are a must. All information should be legibly printed. At the close of these gatherings please email this list back to prayunceasingly@juno.com so that they can be included in the update list.

4. Utilize a listening team during the gatherings. What is the Holy Spirit saying during the course of the evening and how should all respond.

5. During times of sharing, intercession and declaration, unspecified attendees should be given 3 minutes. Please make this clear at the beginning of the session. Should the host or team sense more time is needed or that the Holy Spirit is flowing, allow another 3 minutes and so on. Avoid rabbit trails or teachings during the testimonies unrelated to the the 11/11/11 gathering or condescending focuses unless the Holy Spirit is addressing issues pertaining to healing and reconciliation.

6. When a main speaker is utilized, stay on the focus concerning the gathering to encourage a stir faith to believe God for great things in California and the world. The Holy Spirit is already doing this..Record and sell CD's of your gathering when possible. CD sales proceeds go to the hosting gathering to help cover your costs. Please stay away from strange teachings.

7. Should travail or other expressions of the Holy Spirit emerge, the listening team should discern how to proceed unless it is out of order. Individuals should not start praying overly-loud or prophesying unless asked to do so by the hosting pastor/minister/listening team leaders. Prophetic Words may be addressed first to an appointed individual who will allow them when the time is right.

8. Keep sound levels at a comfortable range for everyone.

9. A freewill love offering should be taken up for the 11-11-11 event under the direction of the hosting pastor/minister. Checks can be made to Rose Bowl Gathering/ RTV and sent directly to RTV International at 5666 Sorrel Hills, Chino Hills, CA 91709. Please allow someone to share the 11/11/11 before taking the offering. If you are shy about taking the offering, appoint one that is anointed to do it.

9. Hand out materials for the 11/11/11 gathering are available by request through Pastor Ruth Hillary/ Timothy Weaver shilohtc@gmail.com . only after confirmation from Dr. Sue Rowe at pryrwatch@sbcglobal.net Please allow at least 25 days prior to the monthly Prepare gathering. When we are given sufficient time, we will also help to promote your gathering.

10. The area Host should know the specific prayer needs for the 11-11-11 Rose Bowl Encounter and provide them at each gathering so that they can be covered at and beyond the gathering. The prayer coordinating committee will try to e-mail the hosting pastors/leaders the immediate prayer requests before their prayer rally. This information is available at LOHealing@aol.com

11. We want to give the Holy Spirit complete freedom to do as He pleases at these gatherings.
These gathering will focus ONLY TO LIFT UP JESUS - the NAME above ALL names and creating an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit is welcome.! Please refrain from judgment prophecy. Focus rather on the good things God is doing.

12. It is up to the regional Host to invite the people of God to these gatherings. Stationary is available upon request @ prayunceasingly@juno.com after schedule affirmation.

13. Please call/contact hosting pastors/ministers before the prepare gatherings to make arrangements and come at least a half hour early should you desire to set up a table for sales of an item that will bring in revenue for the 11-11-11 God event or any ideas pertaining to the increase of donations to help with expenses of 11-11-11.

14. The Holy Spirit desires to use"the nameless, faceless people of God" prepared on the backside of the desert. But he also wants to use those that have labored for so many years. We need one another. All are welcomed to be used by the Holy Spirit at these gatherings. That's why these meetings have to prepare all of our hearts for the great outpouring that GOD IS ABOUT TO DO! Our hearts should be always in a mode of seeking after Him. Our spirit-man should be revived - and remain revived. We are to be in REVIVAL and RESTORATION MODE, EVEN NOW, so that the fullness of REVIVAL and RESTORATION will come forth on 11-11-11 as we all gather, ready for the TSUNAMI WAVE OF HIS GLORY! We have conceived this heavenly vision as HE has deposited it into our spirits. It is now ALL of our RESPONSIBILITY to take care of and carry this "baby" so that it can be delivered to it's fullness on 11-11-11 and continue to grow in maturity thereafter. The impact of this will be seen all over the world. It is greater than the Azusa Revival and all other preceding revivals, for "the latter shall be greater than the former." That's why WE ALL MUST BE CAREFUL NOT TO TOUCH HIS GLORY! We don't want a strange fire, we want the REAL FIRE and POWER of the Holy Ghost that will transform lives radically and permanently FOR HIS GLORY!

In Preparation for the Regional Gatherings.

The area team leaders should know the specific needs for the 11-11-11 Rose Bowl Event and provide them for each prayer meeting so that they can be covered. The prayer coordinating committee will try to e-mail the hosting pastors/leaders the immediate prayer requests before their prayer rally. The current prayer concerns may be obtained from the Prayer Coordinator, Pastor Loraine Cocanato at LOHealing@aol.com

Every month will focus on specific goals and a specific prayer list. We believe that the Holy Spirit will give us specific instruction each time we gather, showing us how to move forward with this great gathering. Each region should have a contact leader to hasten the mobilization. All area team leaders should be in contact with each other. All area team leaders should have each other's contact info and lift one another up in prayer and intercession.

When possible try to join the monthly prayer conference call on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon with Host pastor Loraine Cocanoto to stay informed with the progress and up to date with the prayer needs. The call number is (641) 715-3200 and access code is 270851#.

We love you and bless you in your endeavors for His Kingdom!
Your Co-Laborers, Family & Friends IN CHRIST,

Pastors Puredi, Ruth and Timothy
Please also join us on the 3rd Wed of each month for a conference prayer at noon. The call number is (641) 715-3200 and access code is 270851#.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Medford Gathering

This gathering is limited to Mobilizer in any US state, or International Country, Your attentance is Needed for either one of the 4 day 2 weeks date stays. This gathering of international leaders is to get the heart of the Jesus and the Father for what the Holy Spirit wants to do.

We are in pursuit of blessing and visitation. He will not fail us but we can safely trust in Him to meet us.

Dear Global Friends, Ca Listening Team and Lift, On behalf of our Hosts in Israel and Jeff Shelton we invite you to gather with us to seek the Father's heart for 11/11/11 for what He wants to do. The Holy Spirit is sending out His 11 invitation. This gathering is not centered on Israel but the 11/11/11 gatherings. Israel desires to bless those that have blessed Israel by paying for this gathering..

View the Hosting Retreat Center In Oregon


There are 2 different dates planned for those that are unable to attend the first week.

The delegation representative from Israel, Jeff Shelton has made request if we can call leaders from around the world to come to a retreat center in Grants Pass either the week of May 24th-27th or May 31 to Jun 3 2011 to hear what the Lord is saying to us about 11/11/11 so that leaders can go back to their countries and share the heart of the father for this gathering. This meeting is not about Israel but rather to seek the Father for his heart for 11/11/11

If you plan to attend you must register through Pasto Keith Brandt

Much Rick Wright / David Andrade


About the Preparation Global Leader Gathering for 11/11/11

Dates May 24-May 27 or May 31 - Jun 3 2011

We will be providing Housing, Meals, Transport too & from Airport from Grants Pass

The following are Airflights coming into Medford.

Airport connections international, via San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle

Carriers: Delta, Allegaint (LA, Pheonix, Las Vegas) United, Alaska/Horizon



Gatherings are now being planned in countries around the world
Also, we are meeting to finalize the contract with the Rose Bowl tomorrow Friday March 25th 2011

For those that have made a finacial commitment, we need it now. Donations can also be made at www.RoseBowlgathering.info